
Upcoming Performances

Summer finally died, and we’re ready to shut out the cold and continue our performance salon series. I’d like you to save the following dates: Sat Nov. 9th, and Sat., Dec. 7th. Nov. 9th, we’ll be continuing our regular salon series. We have a great roster of performers and filmmakers so far, but I want…

Lecture 3

Lecture on Nothing

John Cage’s Lecture on Nothing performed by Michael Hunter and Derek Phillips at the Performance Studies international conference at Stanford. It took place in Robe Studio 52 at 10pm. With Jamie Lyons and Angrette McCloskey.

Sharka 17

Etiquette Cabaret

We’ve started work on our next project! — a cabaret-style performance, based on etiquette books written from the late 19th century to the present.  If the history of etiquette is about learning to behave well, the history of pop music, by contrast, is about behaving very badly indeed. We’re working to marry these two cultural…